Higher Ground
Higher Ground is a Toronto and GTA based stiltwalking company created by Artistic Director and performer Ben Block. With site animation and roaming entertainment, these giants come to life through extended movements and dynamics of height and space, for a charged, absorbing atmosphere.
The Jean Vanier Catholic Secondary School Drumline and Hip Hop Dance Crew
Last year the JV Drumline and Dance Crew performed in view of upwards of 100,000 people. Performances included parades throughout Southern Ontario. The JV Drumline opened last year for lengendary rap group the Sugarhill Gang and performed with Josh Trager drummer for the Sam Robert's band. The JV Dance Drumline and Dance Crew are very excited to take part in this year's Zombie Walk.
The Bony Fiddle
Theatre Group
The Bony Fiddle Theatre Group is a small group of individuals who share a strong passion for the dramatic arts and live theatre production. We write, produce, direct and perform on stage in the city of Toronto, starting with our debut production Sept 2014.
Check us out at bonyfiddlelive.com.
We're very excited to be a part of the Halloween Parade this year and the years to come. For the parade, we're going all out "Addams Family" style with full costumes and a themed float. Watch out for your favorite kooky family, which we think is appropriate for or first Halloween parade appearance since Bony Fiddle is a family business!
The Krampus Krewe
Naughty children Beware! This year participating in the Toronto Zombie Walk & Halloween Parade will be a Krewe of Krampus’. They will be marching through the streets in search of children who have misbehaved to capture and carry away! So if you think you might be on their lists, keep in mind they have their eyes on you!
Squid Lid presents The 3rd Annual Krampus Ball! We're dreaming of a Dark Xmas
Every year on Dec. 6th hundreds take to the streets in elaborate Krampus costumes ringing bells & blazing torches. Many spectators come out into the cold to watch the fun and even bringing their children!
Squid Lid wants this tradition to extend to North America too and has organized Toronto's first official Krampus parade. Join them and other incredible Toronto artists on Thursday Dec. 4th at Revival (783 College St.) for a Krampus themed party and concert, with the parade to take place at 9:30pm starting in Fred Hamilton Park! (Shaw St. and College right beside Revival). For further inquiries contact info@squidlid.com or call 647 465 7471
Toronto Steampunk Society
The Toronto Steampunk Society is a social costuming/cosplay group. We are dedicated to being an open an safe meeting place to anyone who is steampunk or is just interested in finding out more about it. The group is the oldest and longest running steampunk group in Canada having been in the cosplay community for 7years, we have over 2500 members on our facebook page world wide and a core of several 100 in the GTA. We are proud to support Toronto Zombie walk and have members that work and attend the walk every year.
The Monster
The Monster, a 1983 Cadillac Crown Sovereign Funeral Coach, will be making it`s inaugural appearance in the 12th Annual Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade. Driven by its owner, Bill Parkin, this spectral silver hearse will be sure to thrill both ghouls and spectators alike, keep your eyeballs peeled right out of the sockets for it driving by on the parade route this year!
Zombie Prom
Watch for the bloody limo as the prom zombies
go lurching by promoting their Zombie Prom
Celebrate All Hallows' Eve in style!
Sexy corpses, dapper survivors, cute cadavers and HAZMAT tuxedos. Dress to impress or infect.
Held on Halloween night at the Palais Royale banquet hall.
Undead DJ Johnny B Goode, FREE zombie makeup done by spfx artists, FREE glam photo shoots, costume contests, prizes, giveaways, appetizers(brains available upon request)
$1 from every ticket goes towards fighting the Ebola outbreak
photo by: Tomy Pags
ram-bunc-tious adj noisy, very active, and hard to control, usually as a result of excitement or youthful energy.
Nine horns + 3 drummers = dance party
You make up a song title, we make up a song.
Notorious trumpeter, Michael Louis Johnson leads this ragtag band in an all improvised dance party jam featuring grooves from New Orleans to Harlem, Motown to the Balkans, Funk to Punk and everything in between. Are you ready to get Rambunctious?
Loco Riders
Loco Riders, based out of Toronto and The Chopaderos, international are two custom bicylcle clubs that ride frequently in the GTA and beyond. We are all proud owners and builders of custom bicycles. We enjoy participating in many of Toronto's cycling and public events. Thank you to the organizers of the Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween parade for inviting us back as a featured Krewe!
Riverdale’s Revenge
The Zombie Archie Gang from Riverdale high joins the Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade.
The Zombified remains of Archie, Jughead, Veronica, Betty and Reggie will all be making an appearance.
Cloven Path Ministries
Cloven Path Ministries is an Evangelical Outreach Ministry devoted to Satan. Through Tireless Crusading and Missionary Programs we are getting the Word of Satan to the people and triggering the Holy Re-Possession their lives. Our Mission at Toronto Zombie Walk will be Especially Prosperous. I will be Ministering from atop our Outreach Float sending a Supernatural Wave of Devil Prosperity that will Resonate Outward throughout the city and into the 905, in Satan's Name, HELLaluiah!
Panache Krewe
The PANACHE Crewe are a creepy collection of undead that have traversed many a road, trail and path together. Whether on foot or bike this group has enjoyed many good times wreaking havoc and celebrating over this inaugural year. We are a GTA MeetUp group that loves to have fun and be active with a little bit of good nosh thrown in after most activities! At this August’s MudHero event we arose from the mud with a new need for flesh and merriment. We are looking forward to a ghoulish good time at the 2014 Zombie Walk – which may become a new PANACHE tradition.
Zumba Zombies
The Zumba Zombies will be hexercising their way through the streets of Toronto in The Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween parade. The instructors of Zalinan Zumba will be bringing routines that will make even the most skeletal zombie sweat!
Shadow Riders....The Forgotten Ones
Medieval war horses that are riding out of their graves one last time. Armoured and rotting, carrying the bones of their past riders, these medieval undead horses will lead the Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade!
We are pleased to announce that Sonnitt and Neevar, gore-geous horses, owned by Mirium Babuik and Agnes Kopka respectively, along with the undead Walkers/Knights Jase Thompson And Traci Thompson will be at the front of our walk!
The Backyard Axe throwing league, which has been in existence since 2006, is made of over 360 members from all over Toronto and the surrounding area.
Vanquished opponents of the B.A.T.L. will return from the dead to support B.A.T.L in The Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade.
We are a motley gang of zombie Super Heroes, as portrayed by the student and staff of Oasis Alternative School’s Triangle Program.
Triangle is one of three programs that make up Oasis Alternative Secondary School. This full time TDSB program offers its student structure, support and a safe community of LGBTQ+ peers to help them obtain their high school education.
Crimson Knight Fleet (KAG)
The KLINGON ASSAULT GROUP is an international, not-for-profit STAR TREK fan organization. There are NO DUES here, and our growth is based on communication and cooperation. Klingon Uniforms aren’t required, but to advance within our ranks a uniform will be necessary. Promotions are based solely on merit and level of involvement. KAG isn’t just Klingons, membership is open to all non-Human aliens who wish to serve the Klingon Empire.
Cosplay for a Cure
Cosplay for a Cure is a charity photobooth that travels from convention to convention across southern Ontario taking donations for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. We’re coming together with fellow Nightmare Before Christmas fans to recreate Halloween Town and bring it to the Zombie Walk! Look out for Jack and Sally as well as your favourite Trick-or-Treaters as we terrorize the walk!